H4 | Ulex gallii-Agrostis curtisii heath |
H8 | Calluna vulgaris-Ulex gallii heath |
H9 | Calluna vulgaris-Deschampsia flexuosa heath |
H10 | Calluna vulgaris-Erica cinerea heath |
H12 | Calluna vulgaris-Vaccinium myrtillus heath |
H16 | Calluna vulgaris-Arctostaphylos uva-ursi heath |
H18 | Vaccinium myrtillus-Deschampsia flexuosa heath |
H22 | Vaccinium myrtillus-Rubus chamaemorus heath |
U10 | Carex bigelowii-Racomitrium lanuginosum moss-heath |
U11 | Polytrichum sexangulare-Kiaeria starkei snow-bed |
U12 | Salix herbacea-Racomitrium heterostichum snow-bed |
U13 | Deschampsia cespitosa-Galium saxatile grassland |
U14 | Alchemilla alpina-Sibbaldia procumbens dwarf-herb community |
The NVC divides communities broadly acccording to habitat, using a letter shorthand to indicate the general habitat type:
- A = water,
- CG = calcareous grassland,
- H = heath,
- M = mire,
- MC = maritime cliff,
- MG = mesotrophic grassland (moderately fertile soil),
- OV = open vegetation,
- S = swamp,
- SD = sand dune,
- SM = salt marsh,
- U = upland, and
- W = wood.
There are 286 communities that are listed here. Sub-communities have not been included. JNCC 2017.