List of plants often found in the habitat: "Calluna vulgaris-Ulex gallii heath"
shrub dwarf | ||
bell heather or ling | Calluna vulgaris | ericaceae |
bell heather | Erica cinerea | ericaceae |
cross leaved heath | Erica tetralix | ericaceae |
shrub | ||
billberry | Vaccinium myrtillus | ericaceae |
gorse | Ulex europaeus | leguminosae |
western gorse | Ulex gallii | leguminosae |
sedge | ||
green ribbed sedge | Carex binervis | cyperaceae |
spring-sedge | Carex caryophyllea | cyperaceae |
glaucus sedge | Carex flacca | cyperaceae |
pill sedge | Carex pilulifera | cyperaceae |
moss | ||
rusty swan neck moss | Campylopus flexuosus | dicranales |
broom fork moss | Dicranum scoparium | dicranales |
Cyprus leaved plait moss | Hypnum cupressiforme | hypnales |
red stemmed feather moss | Pleurozium schreberi | hypnales |
neat feather moss | Pseudoscleropodium purum | hypnales |
springy turf moss | Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | hypnales |
juniper hair cap | Polytrichum juniperinum | polytrichales |
bristly hair cap | Polytrichum piliferum | polytrichales |
lichen | ||
no common name | Cladonia impexa | no common name |
no common name | Cladonia squamosa | no common name |
herb | ||
cat's-ear | Hypochaeris radicata | asteraceae |
sheep's bit | Jasione montana | campanulaceae |
birdsfoot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | fabaceae |
slender St John's-wort | Hypericum pulchrum | hypericaceae |
betony | Betonica officinalis | lamiaceae |
wood sage | Teucrium scorodonia | lamiaceae |
creeping thyme | Thymus praecox | lamiaceae |
spring squill | Scilla verna | liliaceae |
fairy flax | Linum catharticum | linaceae |
lousewort | Pedicularis sylvatica | orobanchaceae |
foxglove | Digitalis purpurea | plantaginaceae |
ribwort plantain | Plantago lanceolata | plantaginaceae |
sea plantain | Plantago maritima | plantaginaceae |
heath milkwort | Polygala serpyllifolia | polygalaceae |
sheep's sorrel | Rumex acetosella | polygonaceae |
tormentil | Potentilla erecta | rosaceae |
salad burnet | Poterium sanguisorba | rosaceae |
bramble | Rubus fruticosus agg. | rosaceae |
heath bedstraw | Galium saxatile | rubiaceae |
lady's bedstraw | Galium verum | rubiaceae |
pale dog- violet | Viola lactea | violaceae |
common dog violet | Viola riviniana | violaceae |
grass | ||
common bent | Agrostis capillaris | poaceae |
bristle bent | Agrostis curtisii | poaceae |
creeping bent | Agrostis stolonifera | poaceae |
brown bent | Agrostis vinealis | poaceae |
early hair grass | Aira praecox | poaceae |
sweet vernal grass | Anthoxanthum odoratum | poaceae |
downy oat grass | Avenula pubescens | poaceae |
wood false brome | Brachypodium sylvaticum | poaceae |
cock's foot | Dactylis glomerata | poaceae |
heath grass | Danthonia decumbens | poaceae |
wavy hair grass | Deschampsia flexuosa | poaceae |
sheep's fescue | Festuca ovina | poaceae |
red fescue | Festuca rubra | poaceae |
Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus | poaceae |
purple moor grass | Molinia caerulea | poaceae |
mat grass | Nardus stricta | poaceae |
fern | ||
bracken | Pteridium aquilinum | dennstaedtiaceae |