List of plants often found in the habitat: "Salix repens-Calliergon cuspidatum dune-slack community"
tree shrub | ||
goat willow | Salix caprea | salicaceae |
creeping willow | Salix repens | salicaceae |
shrub | ||
bittersweet or woody nightshade | Solanum dulcamara | solanaceae |
sedge | ||
sea club rush | Bolboschoenus maritimus | cyperaceae |
sand sedge | Carex arenaria | cyperaceae |
glaucus sedge | Carex flacca | cyperaceae |
hairy sedge | Carex hirta | cyperaceae |
common sedge | Carex nigra | cyperaceae |
carnation sedge | Carex panicea | cyperaceae |
great fen-sedge | Cladium mariscus | cyperaceae |
common cottongrass | Eriophorum angustifolium | cyperaceae |
rush | ||
common spike rush | Eleocharis palustris | juncaceae |
sharp rush | Juncus acutus | juncaceae |
jointed rush | Juncus articulatus | juncaceae |
hard rush | Juncus inflexus | juncaceae |
sea rush | Juncus maritimus | juncaceae |
blunt-flowered rush | Juncus subnodulosus | juncaceae |
moss | ||
sand feather moss | Brachythecium mildeanum | hypnales |
pointed spear moss | Calliergon cuspidatum | hypnales |
chalk hook moss | Drepanocladus sendtneri | hypnales |
yellow feather moss | Homalothecium lutescens | hypnales |
common feather-moss | Kindbergia praelonga | hypnales |
large hook moss | Pseudocalliergon lycopodioides | hypnales |
neat feather moss | Pseudoscleropodium purum | hypnales |
liverwort | ||
bifid crestwort | Lophocolea bidentata | jungermanniales |
herb | ||
wild angelica | Angelica sylvestris | apiaceae |
parsley water-dropwort | Oenanthe lachenalii | apiaceae |
marsh pennywort | Hydrocotyle vulgaris | araliaceae |
marsh marigold | Caltha palustris | asteraceae |
black knapweed | Centaurea nigra | asteraceae |
creeping thistle | Cirsium arvense | asteraceae |
marsh thistle | Cirsium palustre | asteraceae |
hemp agrimony | Eupatorium cannabinum | asteraceae |
fleabane | Pulicaria dysenterica | asteraceae |
greater hawkbit | Scorzoneroides autumnalis | asteraceae |
ragwort | Senecio jacobaea | asteraceae |
cuckoo-flower | Cardamine pratensis | brassicaceae |
devils-bit scabious | Succisa pratensis | caprifoliaceae |
ragged-robin | Silene flos-cuculi | carophyllaceae |
grass of Parnassus | Parnassia palustris | celastraceae |
field horsetail | Equisetum arvense | equisetaceae |
water horsetail | Equisetum fluviatile | equisetaceae |
marsh horsetail | Equisetum palustre | equisetaceae |
variegated horsetail | Equisetum variegatum | equisetaceae |
meadow vetchling | Lathyrus pratensis | fabaceae |
birdsfoot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | fabaceae |
greater bird's-foot trefoil | Lotus pedunculatus | fabaceae |
red clover | Trifolium pratense | fabaceae |
white clover | Trifolium repens | fabaceae |
tufted vetch | Vicia cracca | fabaceae |
common vetch | Vicia sativa | fabaceae |
yellow iris or flag | Iris pseudacorus | iridaceae |
ground ivy | Glechoma hederacea | lamiaceae |
gipsywort | Lycopus europaeus | lamiaceae |
water mint | Mentha aquatica | lamiaceae |
fairy flax | Linum catharticum | linaceae |
purple loosestrife | Lythrum salicaria | lythraceae |
marsh willowherb | Epilobium palustre | onagraceae |
hoary willowherb | Epilobium parviflorum | onagraceae |
early marsh orchid | Dactylorhiza incarnata | orchidaceae |
southern marsh orchid | Dactylorhiza praetermissa | orchidaceae |
marsh helleborine | Epipactis palustris | orchidaceae |
ribwort plantain | Plantago lanceolata | plantaginaceae |
bog pimpernel | Anagallis tenella | primulaceae |
sea milkwort | Glaux maritima | primulaceae |
yellow loosestrife | Lysimachia vulgaris | primulaceae |
primrose | Primula vulgaris | primulaceae |
brookweed | Samolus valerandi | primulaceae |
meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | ranunculaceae |
lesser spearwort | Ranunculus flammula | ranunculaceae |
creeping buttercup | Ranunculus repens | ranunculaceae |
agrimony | Agrimonia eupatoria | rosaceae |
meadow sweet | Filipendula ulmaria | rosaceae |
silverweed | Potentilla anserina | rosaceae |
creeping cinquefoil | Potentilla reptans | rosaceae |
dewberry | Rubus caesius | rosaceae |
marsh bedstraw | Galium palustre | rubiaceae |
skullcap | Scutellaria galericulata | scrophulariaceae |
grass | ||
velvet bent | Agrostis canina | poaceae |
common bent | Agrostis capillaris | poaceae |
creeping bent | Agrostis stolonifera | poaceae |
false oat grass | Arrhenatherum elatius | poaceae |
heath grass | Danthonia decumbens | poaceae |
red fescue | Festuca rubra | poaceae |
Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus | poaceae |
purple moor grass | Molinia caerulea | poaceae |
common reed | Phragmites australis | poaceae |
smooth meadow grass | Poa pratensis | poaceae |
fern | ||
adders-tongue fern | Ophioglossum vulgatum | ophioglossaceae |