List of plants often found in the habitat: "Acorus calamus swamp"

tree shrub
grey willow Salix cinerea salicaceae
bittersweet or woody nightshade Solanum dulcamara solanaceae
common spike rush Eleocharis palustris juncaceae
toad rush Juncus bufonius juncaceae
soft rush Juncus effusus juncaceae
branched bur-reed Sparganium erectum sparganiaceae
pale fruited thread moss Pohlia annotina bryales
rough stalked feather moss Brachythecium rutabulum hypnales
common feather-moss Kindbergia praelonga hypnales
star headed liverwort Marchantia polymorpha marchantiales
floating crystalwort Riccia fluitans marchantiales
sweet flag Acorus calamus acoraceae
water plantain Alisma plantago-aquatica alismataceae
wild angelica Angelica sylvestris apiaceae
fools water-cress Apium nodiflorum apiaceae
marsh thistle Cirsium palustre asteraceae
marsh cudweed Gnaphalium uliginosum asteraceae
tufted forget-me-not Myosotis laxa boraginaceae
water forget-me-nots Myosotis scorpioides boraginaceae
bog stitchwort Stellaria alsine carophyllaceae
New Zealand pigmy weed Crassula helmsii crassulaceae
gipsywort Lycopus europaeus lamiaceae
water mint Mentha aquatica lamiaceae
duckweed Lemna minor lemnaceae
purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria lythraceae
rosebay willowherb Chamerion angustifolium onagraceae
American willowherb Epilobium adenocaulon onagraceae
monkey flower Mimulus guttatus phrymaceae
amphibious bistort Polygonum amphibium polygonaceae
knotgrass Polygonum aviculare polygonaceae
redshank Polygonum persicaria polygonaceae
common sorrel Rumex acetosa polygonaceae
water dock Rumex hydrolapathum polygonaceae
broadleaved pondweed Potamogeton natans potamogetonaceae
creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens ranunculaceae
marsh bedstraw Galium palustre rubiaceae
nettle Urtica dioica urticaceae
Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus poaceae
creeping soft grass Holcus mollis poaceae
rough meadow grass Poa trivialis poaceae
reedmace Typha latifolia typhaceae