List of plants often found in the habitat: "Carex elata swamp"

tree shrub
grey willow Salix cinerea salicaceae
bittersweet or woody nightshade Solanum dulcamara solanaceae
tufted sedge Carex elata cyperaceae
common sedge Carex nigra cyperaceae
great fen-sedge Cladium mariscus cyperaceae
sharp-flowered rush Juncus acutiflorus juncaceae
blunt-flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus juncaceae
rough stalked feather moss Brachythecium rutabulum hypnales
pointed spear moss Calliergon cuspidatum hypnales
common feather-moss Kindbergia praelonga hypnales
springy turf moss Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus hypnales
lesser water parsnip Berula erecta apiaceae
marsh pennywort Hydrocotyle vulgaris araliaceae
marsh marigold Caltha palustris asteraceae
marsh thistle Cirsium palustre asteraceae
hemp agrimony Eupatorium cannabinum asteraceae
cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis brassicaceae
marsh horsetail Equisetum palustre equisetaceae
gipsywort Lycopus europaeus lamiaceae
water mint Mentha aquatica lamiaceae
purple loosestrife Lythrum salicaria lythraceae
bogbean Menyanthes trifoliata manyanthaceae
marsh willowherb Epilobium palustre onagraceae
marsh helleborine Epipactis palustris orchidaceae
common sorrel Rumex acetosa polygonaceae
greater spearwort Ranunculus lingua ranunculaceae
marsh cinquefoil Comarum palustre rosaceae
marsh bedstraw Galium palustre rubiaceae
marsh violet Viola palustris violaceae
velvet bent Agrostis canina poaceae
sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum poaceae
Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus poaceae
common reed Phragmites australis poaceae