List of plants often found in the habitat: "Poa annua-Sagina procumbens community"
rush | ||
toad rush | Juncus bufonius | juncaceae |
moss | ||
silver moss | Bryum argenteum | bryales |
bicolour bryum | Bryum bicolor | bryales |
redshank | Ceratodon purpureus | dicranales |
sessile grimmia | Schistidium apocarpum | grimmiales |
herb | ||
creeping thistle | Cirsium arvense | asteraceae |
marsh cudweed | Filaginella uliginosa | asteraceae |
pineapple weed | Matricaria discoidea | asteraceae |
ragwort | Senecio jacobaea | asteraceae |
grounsel | Senecio vulgaris | asteraceae |
dandelion | Taraxicum officianalis | asteraceae |
shepherd's purse | Capsella bursa-pastoris | brassicaceae |
hairy bittercress | Cardamine hirsuta | brassicaceae |
northern yellow cress | Rorippa islandica | brassicaceae |
thyme leaved sandwort | Arenaria serpyllifolia | carophyllaceae |
sea sandwort | Honckenya peploides | carophyllaceae |
annual pearlwort | Sagina apetala | carophyllaceae |
procumbent pearlwort | Sagina procumbens | carophyllaceae |
heath pearlwort | Sagina subulata | carophyllaceae |
chickweed | Stellaria media agg. | carophyllaceae |
common orache | Atriplex patula | chenopodiaceae |
black medick | Medicago lupulina | fabaceae |
white clover | Trifolium repens | fabaceae |
common storksbill geranium | Eriodium cicutarium | geraniaceae |
water-purslane | Lythrum portula | lythraceae |
ribwort plantain | Plantago lanceolata | plantaginaceae |
greater plantain | Plantago major | plantaginaceae |
knotgrass | Polygonum aviculare | polygonaceae |
sheep's sorrel | Rumex acetosella | polygonaceae |
curled doc | Rumex crispus | polygonaceae |
broadleaved dock | Rumex obtusifolius | polygonaceae |
creeping buttercup | Ranunculus repens | ranunculaceae |
grass | ||
creeping bent | Agrostis stolonifera | poaceae |
cock's foot | Dactylis glomerata | poaceae |
Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus | poaceae |
perennial rye-grass | Lolium perenne | poaceae |
annual meadow grass | Poa annua | poaceae |