List of plants often found in the habitat: "Poa annua-Stachys arvensis community"

no common name Bryum erythrocarpum bryales
field forklet moss Dicranella staphylina dicranales
taper leaved earth moss Pleuridium subulatum dicraneles
rough stalked feather moss Brachythecium rutabulum hypnales
common feather-moss Kindbergia praelonga hypnales
common pottia Tortula truncata pottiales
wild carrot Daucus carota apiaceae
corn marigold Glebionis segetum asteraceae
pineapple weed Matricaria discoidea asteraceae
greater hawkbit Scorzoneroides autumnalis asteraceae
heath groundsel Senecio sylvaticus asteraceae
grounsel Senecio vulgaris asteraceae
perennial sow- thistle Sonchus arvensis asteraceae
prickly sow-thistle Sonchus asper asteraceae
dandelion Taraxicum officianalis asteraceae
scentless mayweed Tripleurospermum inodorum asteraceae
shepherd's purse Capsella bursa-pastoris brassicaceae
swinecress Lepidium didymum brassicaceae
charlock Sinapis arvensis brassicaceae
common mouse ear Cerastium fontanum carophyllaceae
sticky mouse ear Cerastium glomeratum carophyllaceae
sand spurry Spergula arvensis carophyllaceae
chickweed Stellaria media agg. carophyllaceae
common orache Atriplex patula chenopodiaceae
fat hen Chenopodium album chenopodiaceae
dwarf spurge Euphorbia exigua euphorbiaceae
sun spurge Euphorbia helioscopia euphorbiaceae
lesser trefoil Trifolium dubium fabaceae
white clover Trifolium repens fabaceae
tall ramping fumitory Fumaria bastardii fumariaceae
common ramping fumitory Fumaria muralis fumariaceae
cut leaved cranesbill Geranium dissectum geraniaceae
red dead nettle Lamium purpureum lamiaceae
field woundwort Stachys arvensis lamiaceae
sharp leaved fluellen Kickxia elatine plantaginaceae
ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata plantaginaceae
greater plantain Plantago major plantaginaceae
wall speedwell Veronica arvensis plantaginaceae
common field speedwell Veronica persica plantaginaceae
black bindweed Fallopia convolvulus polygonaceae
knotgrass Polygonum aviculare polygonaceae
pale persicaria Polygonum lapathifolium polygonaceae
redshank Polygonum persicaria polygonaceae
curled doc Rumex crispus polygonaceae
broadleaved dock Rumex obtusifolius polygonaceae
scarlet pimpernel Anagallis arvensis primulaceae
creeping buttercup Ranunculus repens ranunculaceae
slender parley piert Aphanes microcarpa rosaceae
silverweed Potentilla anserina rosaceae
field madder Sherardia arvensis rubiaceae
weasel's snout Misopates orontium scrophulariaceae
black nightshade Solanum nigrum solanaceae
field pansy Viola arvensis violaceae
common bent Agrostis capillaris poaceae
creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera poaceae
couch Elytrigia repens poaceae
Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus poaceae
perennial rye-grass Lolium perenne poaceae
annual meadow grass Poa annua poaceae
rough meadow grass Poa trivialis poaceae
parsley piert Aphanes arvensis rosaceae