List of plants often found in the habitat: "Festuca rubra-Armeria maritima maritime grassland"
sedge | ||
spring-sedge | Carex caryophyllea | cyperaceae |
distant sedge | Carex distans | cyperaceae |
moss | ||
common feather-moss | Kindbergia praelonga | hypnales |
yellow crisp moss | Tortella flavovirens | pottiales |
variable crisp moss | Trichostomum brachydontium | pottiales |
herb | ||
wild angelica | Angelica sylvestris | apiaceae |
rock samphire | Crithmum maritimum | apiaceae |
wild carrot | Daucus carota | apiaceae |
Scot's lovage | Ligusticum scoticum | apiaceae |
yarrow | Achillea millefolium | asteraceae |
creeping thistle | Cirsium arvense | asteraceae |
cat's-ear | Hypochaeris radicata | asteraceae |
golden samphire | Inula crithmoides | asteraceae |
lesser hawkbit | Leontodon saxatilis | asteraceae |
greater hawkbit | Scorzoneroides autumnalis | asteraceae |
common sow thistle | Sonchus oleraceus | asteraceae |
sea mayweed | Tripleurospermum maritimum | asteraceae |
wild cabbage | Brassica oleracea | brassicaceae |
Danish scurvygrass | Cochlearia danica | brassicaceae |
scurvy grass | Cochlearia officinalis | brassicaceae |
sea mouse-ear | Cerastium diffusum | carophyllaceae |
common mouse ear | Cerastium fontanum | carophyllaceae |
annual pearlwort | Sagina apetala | carophyllaceae |
sea pearlwort | Sagina maritima | carophyllaceae |
sea campion | Silene uniflora | carophyllaceae |
rock spurrey | Spergularia rupicola | carophyllaceae |
English stonecrop | Sedum anglicum | crassulaceae |
lady's fingers (kidney vetch) | Anthyllis vulneraria | fabaceae |
birdsfoot trefoil | Lotus corniculatus | fabaceae |
white clover | Trifolium repens | fabaceae |
common centuary | Centaurium erythraea | gentianaceae |
spring squill | Scilla verna | liliaceae |
buck's-horn plantain | Plantago coronopus | plantaginaceae |
ribwort plantain | Plantago lanceolata | plantaginaceae |
sea plantain | Plantago maritima | plantaginaceae |
thrift | Armeria maritima | plumbaginaceae |
common sorrel | Rumex acetosa | polygonaceae |
tormentil | Potentilla erecta | rosaceae |
grass | ||
creeping bent | Agrostis stolonifera | poaceae |
tor grass | Brachypodium pinnatum | poaceae |
sea fern grass | Catapodium marinum | poaceae |
cock's foot | Dactylis glomerata | poaceae |
red fescue | Festuca rubra | poaceae |
Yorkshire fog | Holcus lanatus | poaceae |
spreading meadowgrass | Poa subcaerulea | poaceae |