List of plants often found in the habitat: "Pohlia wahlenbergii var. glacialis spring"

Duval's thread moss Bryum weigelii bryales
fountain apple moss Philonotis fontana bryales
Ludwig's thread moss Pohlia ludwigii bryales
pale glaucus thread moss Pohlia wahlenbergii bryales
marsh forklet moss Dicrodontium palustris dicranales
drab brook moss Hygrohypnum luridum hypnales
straw spear moss Straminergon stramineum hypnales
ringless hook moss Warnstorfia exannulata hypnales
spiky bog moss Sphagnum squarrosum sphagnales
grove earwort Scapania nemorea jungermanniales
marsh earwort Scapania uliginosa jungermanniales
water earwort Scapania undulata jungermanniales
star headed liverwort Marchantia polymorpha marchantiales
star wort mouse ear Cerastium cerastoides carophyllaceae
bog stitchwort Stellaria alsine carophyllaceae
blinks Montia fontana montiaceae
alpine willowherb Epilobium anagallidifolium onagraceae
thyme leaved speedwell Veronica serpyllifolia plantaginaceae
common sorrel Rumex acetosa polygonaceae
opposite-leaved golden- saxifrage Chrysosplenium oppositifolium saxifragaceae
starry saxifrage Saxifraga stellaris saxifragaceae
common bent Agrostis capillaris poaceae
tufted hair grass Deschampsia cespitosa poaceae
red fescue Festuca rubra poaceae
annual meadow grass Poa annua poaceae