List of plants often found in the habitat: "Festuca ovina-Agrostis capillaris-Alchemilla alpina grass-heath"
shrub dwarf | ||
crowberry | Empetrum nigrum | empetraceae |
bell heather or ling | Calluna vulgaris | ericaceae |
cross leaved heath | Erica tetralix | ericaceae |
shrub | ||
billberry | Vaccinium myrtillus | ericaceae |
dwarf wilow | Salix herbacea | salicaceae |
sedge | ||
stiff sedge | Carex bigelowii | cyperaceae |
green ribbed sedge | Carex binervis | cyperaceae |
spring-sedge | Carex caryophyllea | cyperaceae |
glaucus sedge | Carex flacca | cyperaceae |
carnation sedge | Carex panicea | cyperaceae |
pill sedge | Carex pilulifera | cyperaceae |
flea sedge | Carex pulicaris | cyperaceae |
deergrass, deer sedge | Trichophorum cespitosum | cyperaceae |
rush | ||
heath rush | Juncus squarrosus | juncaceae |
three leaved rush | Juncus trifidus | juncaceae |
field wood rush | Luzula campestris | juncaceae |
heath wood rush | Luzula multiflora | juncaceae |
spiked wood rush | Luzula spicata | juncaceae |
great wood rush | Luzula sylvatica | juncaceae |
moss club | ||
alpine clubmoss | Diphasiastrum alpinum | lycopodiaceae |
fir clubmoss | Huperzia selago | lycopodiaceae |
lesser clubmoss | Selaginella selaginoides | selaginellaceae |
moss | ||
golden head moss | Breutelia chrysocoma | bryales |
swan necked thyme moss | Mnium hornum | bryales |
harts tongue thyme moss | Plagiomnium undulatum | bryales |
broom fork moss | Dicranum scoparium | dicranales |
hoary fringe moss | Racomitrium canescens | grimmiales |
wooly fringe moss | Racomitrium lanuginosum | grimmiales |
comb moss | Ctenidium molluscum | hypnales |
glittering wood moss | Hylocomium splendens | hypnales |
Cyprus leaved plait moss | Hypnum cupressiforme | hypnales |
red stemmed feather moss | Pleurozium schreberi | hypnales |
neat feather moss | Pseudoscleropodium purum | hypnales |
little shaggy moss | Rhytidiadelphus loreus | hypnales |
springy turf moss | Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus | hypnales |
big shaggy moss | Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus | hypnales |
sickle leaved hook moss | Sanionia uncinata | hypnales |
delicate tamarisk moss | Thuidium delicatulum | hypnales |
common tamarisk moss | Thuidium tamariscinum | hypnales |
urn haircap | Pogonatum urnigerum | polytrichales |
alpine haircap | Polytrichastrum alpinum | polytrichales |
liverwort | ||
greater pawwort | Barbilophozia lycopodioides | jungermanniales |
white earwort | Diplophyllum albicans | jungermanniales |
tamarisk scalewort | Frullania tamarisci | jungermanniales |
ladder flapwort | Nardia scalaris | jungermanniales |
cilliated fringewort | Ptilidium ciliare | jungermanniales |
Lyon's notchwort | Tritomaria quinquedentata | jungermanniales |
lichen | ||
true iceland lichen | Cetraria islandica | no common name |
pebbled pixie-cup | Cladonia pyxidata | no common name |
no common name | Cladonia uncialis | no common name |
dog-lichen | Peltigera canina | no common name |
herb | ||
yarrow | Achillea millefolium | asteraceae |
mountain everlasting | Antennaria dioica | asteraceae |
dwarf cudweed | Gnaphalium supinum | asteraceae |
hawkweed 400 species | Hieraclium spp. | asteraceae |
greater hawkbit | Scorzoneroides autumnalis | asteraceae |
dandelion | Taraxicum officianalis | asteraceae |
harebell | Campanula rotundifolia | campanulaceae |
devils-bit scabious | Succisa pratensis | caprifoliaceae |
alpine mouse ear | Cerastium alpinum | carophyllaceae |
common mouse ear | Cerastium fontanum | carophyllaceae |
cyphel | Minuartia sedoides | carophyllaceae |
moss campion | Silene acaulis | carophyllaceae |
cowberry | Vaccinium vitis-idaea | ericaceae |
bitter vetchling | Lathyrus montanus | fabaceae |
white clover | Trifolium repens | fabaceae |
creeping thyme | Thymus praecox | lamiaceae |
butterwort | Pinguicula vulgaris | lentibulariaceae |
fairy flax | Linum catharticum | linaceae |
bog asphodel | Narthecium ossifragum | nartheciaceae |
frog orchid | Dactylorhiza viridis | orchidaceae |
wood sorrel | Oxalis acetosella | oxalidaceae |
ribwort plantain | Plantago lanceolata | plantaginaceae |
sea plantain | Plantago maritima | plantaginaceae |
common speedwell | Veronica officinalis | plantaginaceae |
thyme leaved speedwell | Veronica serpyllifolia | plantaginaceae |
thrift | Armeria maritima | plumbaginaceae |
alpine bistort | Polygonum viviparum | polygonaceae |
common sorrel | Rumex acetosa | polygonaceae |
primrose | Primula vulgaris | primulaceae |
wood anemone | Anemone nemorosa | ranunculaceae |
meadow buttercup | Ranunculus acris | ranunculaceae |
alpine meadow rue | Thalictrum alpinum | ranunculaceae |
globe flower | Trollius europaeus | ranunculaceae |
lady's mantle | Alchemilla alpina | rosaceae |
lady's mantle | Alchemilla filicaulis | rosaceae |
lady's mantle | Alchemilla xanthochlora | rosaceae |
meadow sweet | Filipendula ulmaria | rosaceae |
water avens | Geum rivale | rosaceae |
alpine cinquefoil | Potentilla crantzii | rosaceae |
tormentil | Potentilla erecta | rosaceae |
sibaldia | Sibbaldia procumbens | rosaceae |
northern bedstraw | Galium boreale | rubiaceae |
heath bedstraw | Galium saxatile | rubiaceae |
yellow saxifrage | Saxifraga aizoides | saxifragaceae |
mossy saxifrage | Saxifraga hypnoides | saxifragaceae |
purple saxifrage | Saxifraga oppositifolia | saxifragaceae |
English sticky eyebright | Euphrasia officinalis | scrophulariaceae |
heath dog violet | Viola canina | violaceae |
marsh violet | Viola palustris | violaceae |
common dog violet | Viola riviniana | violaceae |
grass | ||
velvet bent | Agrostis canina | poaceae |
common bent | Agrostis capillaris | poaceae |
sweet vernal grass | Anthoxanthum odoratum | poaceae |
heath grass | Danthonia decumbens | poaceae |
tufted hair grass | Deschampsia cespitosa | poaceae |
wavy hair grass | Deschampsia flexuosa | poaceae |
sheep's fescue | Festuca ovina | poaceae |
red fescue | Festuca rubra | poaceae |
viviparous sheep's fescue | Festuca vivipara | poaceae |
purple moor grass | Molinia caerulea | poaceae |
mat grass | Nardus stricta | poaceae |
fern | ||
hard fern | Blechnum spicant | blechnaceae |
moonwort | Botrychium lunaria | ophioglossaceae |
lemon scented fern | Thelypteris limbosperma | thelypteridaceae |