List of plants often found in the habitat: "Potamogeton pectinatus-Myriophyllum spicatum community"
rush | ||
bulbous rush | Juncus bulbosus | juncaceae |
reed | ||
unbranched bur reed | Sparganium emersum | sparganiaceae |
moss | ||
greayer water moss | Fontinalis antipyretica | hypnales |
herb | ||
floating water plantain | Luronium natans | alismataceae |
lesser marshwort | Apium inundatum | apiaceae |
fine leaved water-dropwort | Oenanthe aquatica | apiaceae |
water lobelia | Lobelia dortmanna | campanulaceae |
hornwort | Ceratophyllum demersum | ceratophyllaceae |
eight stamened waterwort | Elatine hydropiper | elatinaceae |
alternate water-milfoil | Myriophyllum alterniflorum | haloragaceae |
spiked water-milfoil | Myriophyllum spicatum | haloragaceae |
Canadian waterweed | Elodea canadensis | hydrocharitaceae |
Nutall's waterweed | Elodea nuttallii | hydrocharitaceae |
frogbit | Hydrocharis morsus-ranae | hydrocharitaceae |
water soldier | Stratiotes aloides | hydrocharitaceae |
duckweed | Lemna minor | lemnaceae |
ivyleaved duckweed | Lemna trisulca | lemnaceae |
common bladderwort | Utricularia vulgaris | lentibulariaceae |
fringed water lilly | Nymphoides peltata | menyanthaceae |
water lillies | Nuphar lutea | nymphaeaceae |
white water-lily | Nymphaea alba | nymphaeaceae |
annual water starwort | Callitriche hermaphroditica | plantaginaceae |
blunt-fruited water-starwort | Callitriche obtusangula | plantaginaceae |
various-leaved water-starwort | Callitriche platycarpa | plantaginaceae |
common water starwort | Callitriche stagnalis | plantaginaceae |
mare's tail | Hippuris vulgaris | plantaginaceae |
shoreweed | Littorella uniflora | plantaginaceae |
amphibious bistort | Polygonum amphibium | polygonaceae |
red pondweed | Potamogeton alpinus | potamogetonaceae |
slender pondweed | Potamogeton berchtoldii | potamogetonaceae |
grass wrack pondweed | Potamogeton compressus | potamogetonaceae |
curled pondweed | Potamogeton crispus | potamogetonaceae |
slender leaved pondween | Potamogeton filiformis | potamogetonaceae |
flat stalked pondweed | Potamogeton friesii | potamogetonaceae |
various leaved pondweed | Potamogeton gramineus | potamogetonaceae |
shining pondweed | Potamogeton lucens | potamogetonaceae |
broadleaved pondweed | Potamogeton natans | potamogetonaceae |
blunt leaved pondweed | Potamogeton obtusifolius | potamogetonaceae |
fennel pondweed | Potamogeton pectinatus | potamogetonaceae |
perfoliate pondweed | Potamogeton perfoliatus | potamogetonaceae |
bog pond weed | Potamogeton polygonifolius | potamogetonaceae |
long stalked pondweeed | Potamogeton praelongus | potamogetonaceae |
lesser pondweed | Potamogeton pusillus | potamogetonaceae |
hair like pondweed | Potamogeton trichoides | potamogetonaceae |
brackish water buttercup | Ranunculus baudotii | ranunculaceae |
fan leaved water crowfoot | Ranunculus circinatus | ranunculaceae |
round leaved crowfoot | Ranunculus omiophyllus | ranunculaceae |
pond water crowfoot | Ranunculus peltatus | ranunculaceae |
thread leaved water-crowfoot | Ranunculus trichophyllus | ranunculaceae |
spiral tassel-weeds | Ruppia cirrhosa | ruppiaceae |
horned pondweed | Zannichellia palustris | zannichelliaceae |
grass | ||
floating sweet grass | Glyceria fluitans | poaceae |
plicate sweet grass | Glyceria notata | poaceae |
algae green | ||
stonewort | Chara spp. | characeae |
foxtail stonewort | Lamprothamnion papulosum | characeae |
no common name | Nitella hyalina | characeae |