List of plants often found in the habitat: "Phleum arenarium-Arenaria serpyllifolia dune annual community"

sand sedge Carex arenaria cyperaceae
field wood rush Luzula campestris juncaceae
whitish feather moss Brachythecium albicans hypnales
yellow feather moss Homalothecium lutescens hypnales
Cyprus leaved plait moss Hypnum cupressiforme hypnales
sand hill screw moss Syntrichia ruraliformis pottiales
yellow crisp moss Tortella flavovirens pottiales
frizzled crisp moss Tortella tortuosa pottiales
dog-lichen Peltigera canina no common name
creeping thistle Cirsium arvense asteraceae
smooth hawk's beard Crepis capillaris asteraceae
smooth cat's ear Hypochaeris glabra asteraceae
slender cudweed Logfia minima asteraceae
ragwort Senecio jacobaea asteraceae
Whitlow grasses Erophila verna brassicaceae
thyme leaved sandwort Arenaria serpyllifolia carophyllaceae
sea mouse-ear Cerastium diffusum carophyllaceae
little mouse ear Cerastium semidecandrum carophyllaceae
wall-pepper Sedum acre crassulaceae
sea spurge Euphorbia paralias euphorbiaceae
lady's fingers (kidney vetch) Anthyllis vulneraria fabaceae
birdsfoot trefoil Lotus corniculatus fabaceae
common rest-harrow Ononis repens fabaceae
hare's foot clover Trifolium arvense fabaceae
hop trefoil Trifolium campestre fabaceae
lesser trefoil Trifolium dubium fabaceae
white clover Trifolium repens fabaceae
common centuary Centaurium erythraea gentianaceae
common storksbill geranium Eriodium cicutarium geraniaceae
dove's foot cranesbill Geranium molle geraniaceae
creeping thyme Thymus praecox lamiaceae
buck's-horn plantain Plantago coronopus plantaginaceae
ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata plantaginaceae
lady's bedstraw Galium verum rubiaceae
wild pansy Viola tricolor violaceae
silver hair grass Aira caryophyllea poaceae
early hair grass Aira praecox poaceae
marram grass Ammophila arenaria poaceae
sweet vernal grass Anthoxanthum odoratum poaceae
sea fern grass Catapodium marinum poaceae
red fescue Festuca rubra poaceae
early sand grass Mibora minima poaceae
sand cat's tail Phleum arenarium poaceae
smooth meadow grass Poa pratensis poaceae
dune fescue Vulpia fasciculata poaceae