List of plants often found in the habitat: "Urtica dioica-Galium aparine community"

woody climber
ivy Hedera helix araliaceae
rough stalked feather moss Brachythecium rutabulum hypnales
common feather-moss Kindbergia praelonga hypnales
wild chervil Anthriscus sylvestris apiaceae
hemlock Conium maculatum apiaceae
hogweed Heracleum sphondylium apiaceae
Alexanders Smyrnium olusatrum apiaceae
yarrow Achillea millefolium asteraceae
lesser burdock Arctium minus asteraceae
mugwort Artemisia vulgaris asteraceae
black knapweed Centaurea nigra asteraceae
creeping thistle Cirsium arvense asteraceae
grounsel Senecio vulgaris asteraceae
dandelion Taraxicum officianalis asteraceae
colts-foot Tussilago farfara asteraceae
field forget-me-not Myosotis arvensis boraginaceae
bittercress Barbarea vulgaris brassicaceae
hedge mustard Sisymbrium officinale brassicaceae
common mouse ear Cerastium fontanum carophyllaceae
white campion Silene latifolia carophyllaceae
chickweed Stellaria media agg. carophyllaceae
fat hen Chenopodium album chenopodiaceae
field bindweed Convolvulus arvensis convolvulaceae
red clover Trifolium pratense fabaceae
fumitory Fumaria officinalis fumariaceae
cut leaved cranesbill Geranium dissectum geraniaceae
herb Robert Geranium robertianum geraniaceae
ground ivy Glechoma hederacea lamiaceae
white deadnettle Lamium album lamiaceae
red dead nettle Lamium purpureum lamiaceae
three cornered garlic Allium triquetrum liliaceae
common mallow Malva sylvestris malvaceae
corn poppy Papaver rhoeas papaveraceae
ribwort plantain Plantago lanceolata plantaginaceae
greater plantain Plantago major plantaginaceae
wall speedwell Veronica arvensis plantaginaceae
birdseye speedwell Veronica chamaedrys plantaginaceae
ivt leaved speedwell Veronica hederifolia plantaginaceae
black bindweed Fallopia convolvulus polygonaceae
clustered dock Rumex conglomeratus polygonaceae
creeping cinquefoil Potentilla reptans rosaceae
bramble Rubus fruticosus agg. rosaceae
goosegrass Galium aparine rubiaceae
nettle Urtica dioica urticaceae
creeping bent Agrostis stolonifera poaceae
barren brome Anisantha sterilis poaceae
false oat grass Arrhenatherum elatius poaceae
common soft brome Bromus hordeaceous poaceae
cock's foot Dactylis glomerata poaceae
Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus poaceae
wall barley Hordeum murinum poaceae
perennial rye-grass Lolium perenne poaceae
timothy Phleum pratense poaceae
annual meadow grass Poa annua poaceae
rough meadow grass Poa trivialis poaceae