Bryophytes often found in the habitat: "Disturbed upland soil".
moss |
nut moss | Diphyscium foliosum | archidiales |
pale fruited thread moss | Pohlia annotina | bryales |
silky forklet moss | Dicranella heteromalla | dicranales |
rufous forklet moss | Dicranella rufescens | dicranales |
curved leaved ditrichum | Ditrichum heteromallum | dicranales |
hercynian haircap | Oligotrichum hercynicum | polytrchales |
common smoothcap | Atrichum undulatum | polytrichales |
aloe haircap | Pogonatum aloides | polytrichales |
urn haircap | Pogonatum urnigerum | polytrichales |
juniper hair cap | Polytrichum juniperinum | polytrichales |
bristly hair cap | Polytrichum piliferum | polytrichales |
liverwort |
white earwort | Diplophyllum albicans | jungermanniales |
crenulated flapwort | Jungermannia gracillima | jungermanniales |
lesser notchwort | Lophozia bicrenata | jungermanniales |
capitate notchwort | Lophozia excisa | jungermanniales |
notched rustwort | Marsupella emarginata | jungermanniales |
ladder flapwort | Nardia scalaris | jungermanniales |
heath earwort | Scapania irrigua | jungermanniales |
common kettlewort | Blasia pusilla | metzgeriales |
overleaf pellia | Pellia epiphylla | metzgeriales |
Nee's pellia | Pellia neesiana | metzgeriales |
herb |
fine leaved sandwort | Minurtia hybrida | carofiliaceae |
Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, a Field Guide. British Bryological Society. Eds. I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet and M. Lawley. 2010.