Bryophytes often found in the habitat: "Trees by rivers in addition to general epiphytes".

beech feather moss Cirriphyllum crassinervium hypnales
blunt feather moss Homalia trichomanoides hypnales
many fruited leskea Leskea polycarpa hypnales
fox tail feather moss Thamnobryum alopecurum hypnales
river bristle moss Orthotrichum rivulare orthotrichales
Spruce's bristle moss Orthotrichum sprucei orthotrichales
smaller lattice moss Cinclidotus fontinaloides pottiales
pointed lattice moss Dialytrichia mucronata pottiales
water screw moss Syntrichia latifolia pottiales

Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, a Field Guide. British Bryological Society. Eds. I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet and M. Lawley. 2010.