Bryophytes often found in the habitat: "General epiphytes".
moss |
drumsticks | Aulacomnium androgynum | bryales |
capillary thread moss | Bryum capillare | bryales |
Syed's thread moss | Bryum laevifilum | bryales |
common pincushion | Dicranoweisia cirrata | dicranales |
mountain fork moss | Dicranum montanum | dicranales |
broom fork moss | Dicranum scoparium | dicranales |
fragile fork moss | Dicranum tauricum | dicranales |
creeping feather moss | Amblystegium serpens | hypnales |
matted feather moss | Brachythecium populeum | hypnales |
rough stalked feather moss | Brachythecium rutabulum | hypnales |
velvet feather moss | Brachythecium velutinum | hypnales |
lateral cryphaea | Cryphaea heteromalla | hypnales |
mamillate plait moss | Hypnum andoi | hypnales |
Cyprus leaved plait moss | Hypnum cupressiforme | hypnales |
supine plait moss | Hypnum resupinatum | hypnales |
larger mouse tail moss | Isothecium alopecuroides | hypnales |
mouse-tail moss | Isothecium myosuroides | hypnales |
common feather-moss | Kindbergia praelonga | hypnales |
Prince of Wales feather moss | Leptodon smithii | hypnales |
squirrel tail moss | Leucodon sciuroides | hypnales |
flat neckera | Neckera complanata | hypnales |
dwarf neckera | Neckera pumila | hypnales |
clustered feather moss | Rhynchostegium confertum | hypnales |
sickle leaved hook moss | Sanionia uncinata | hypnales |
wood bristle moss | Orthotrichum affine | orthotrichales |
white tipped bristle moss | Orthotrichum diaphanum | orthotrichales |
Lyell's bristle moss | Orthotrichum lyellii | orthotrichales |
elegant bristle moss | Orthotrichum pulchellum | orthotrichales |
straw bristle moss | Orthotrichum stramineum | orthotrichales |
smooth bristle moss | Orthotrichum striatum | orthotrichales |
slender bristle moss | Orthotrichum tenellum | orthotrichales |
Bruch's pincushion | Ulota bruchii crispa | orthotrichales |
frizzled pincushion | Ulota phyllantha | orthotrichales |
yoke moss | Zygodon spp. | orthotrichales |
small hairy screw moss | Syntrichia laevipila | pottiales |
marble screw moss | Syntrichia papillosa | pottiales |
liverwort |
minute pouncewort | Cololejeunea minutissima | jungermanniales |
dilated scalewort | Frullania dilatata | jungermanniales |
tamarisk scalewort | Frullania tamarisci | jungermanniales |
bifid crestwort | Lophocolea bidentata | jungermanniales |
fairy beads | Microlejeunea ulicina | jungermanniales |
even scalewort | Radula complanata | jungermanniales |
bluish veilwort | Metzgeria fruticulosa | metzgeriales |
forked veilwort | Metzgeria furcata | metzgeriales |
bluish veilwort | Metzgeria temperata | metzgeriales |
Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, a Field Guide. British Bryological Society. Eds. I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet and M. Lawley. 2010.