Bryophytes often found in the habitat: "Conifer plantation floor".
moss |
bog bead moss | Aulacomnium palustre | bryales |
swan necked thyme moss | Mnium hornum | bryales |
long beaked thyme moss | Plagiomnium rostratum | bryales |
harts tongue thyme moss | Plagiomnium undulatum | bryales |
felted thyme moss | Rhizomnium pseudopunctatum | bryales |
dotted thyme-moss | Rhizomnium punctatum | bryales |
shining hookeria | Hookeria lucens | hookeriales |
creeping feather moss | Amblystegium serpens | hypnales |
willow feather moss | Amblystegium varium | hypnales |
river feather moss | Brachythecium rivulare | hypnales |
rough stalked feather moss | Brachythecium rutabulum | hypnales |
heart leaved spear moss | Calliergon cordifolium | hypnales |
pointed spear moss | Calliergon cuspidatum | hypnales |
common feather-moss | Kindbergia praelonga | hypnales |
Kneiff's feather-moss | Leptodictyum riparium | hypnales |
Swartz's feather-moss | Oxyrrhynchium hians | hypnales |
showy feather-moss | Oxyrrhynchium speciosum | hypnales |
dentated silk moss | Plagiothecium denticulatum | hypnales |
fox tail feather moss | Thamnobryum alopecurum | hypnales |
common tamarisk moss | Thuidium tamariscinum | hypnales |
common haircap | Polytrichum commune | polytrichales |
fringed bog moss | Sphagnum fimbriatum | sphagnales |
blunt leaved bog moss | Sphagnum palustre | sphagnales |
spiky bog moss | Sphagnum squarrosum | sphagnales |
lustrous bog moss | Sphagnum subnitens var. subnitens | sphagnales |
liverwort |
common pouchwort | Calypogeia fissa | jungermanniales |
pale liverwort | Chiloscyphus pallescens | jungermanniales |
creeping fingerwort | Lepidozia reptans | jungermanniales |
bifid crestwort | Lophocolea bidentata | jungermanniales |
variable leaved crestwort | Lophocolea heterophylla | jungermanniales |
great scented liverwort | Conocephalum conicum | marchantiales |
ghostwort | Cryptothallus mirabilis | metzgeriales |
Pellia | Pellia spp. | metzgeriales |
Mosses and Liverworts of Britain and Ireland, a Field Guide. British Bryological Society. Eds. I. Atherton, S. Bosanquet and M. Lawley. 2010.