Common marine algae that are "juicy red"

red grape weed Gastroclonium ovatum (champiaceae)
Key criteria: Small to medium. Terminal hollow mucilaginous but firm fronds borne on irregularly dichotomously divided solid stipe. Hollow fronds seasonal. Epiphytic mainly on Corallina in large mid to lower intertidal pools. Western distribution except for an outlier population in north-eastern England (compare with Chylocladia verticillata). Common. epiphyte lower intertidal intertidal pool
bunny-eared bead weed Lomentaria articulata (lomentariaceae)
Key criteria: Medium-sized hollow mucilaginous but firm frond often forming extensive turfs. Epilithic epiphytic and epizoic particularly in damp shady places in the lower intertidal. Widespread except for eastern England. Very common. epiphyte epilithic epizoic lower intertidal intertidal
club bead weed Lomentaria clavellosa (lomentariaceae)
Key criteria: Medium-sized hollow partially compressed mucilaginous but firm fronds sometimes with a pyramidal outline. Epilithic and epiphytic particularly in areas exposed to moderate to strong wave action. Widely distributed except for protected and eastern coasts. Common. epiphyte epilithic exposed
little fat sausage weed Champia parvula (champiaceae)
Key criteria: Small mucilaginous but firm cylindrical hollow fronds irregularly branched. Prominent south-western distribution confined in England mainly to south and south-west but in Ireland extending from the south-west to the mid-west. Uncommon. ~
juicy whorl weed Chylocladia verticillata (champiaceae)
Key criteria: Small to medium mucilaginous but firm cylindrical fronds with short radial branches. Epilithic and epiphytic throughout the intertidal in pools and in the subtidal to 12 m. Western distribution except for outlier population in north-eastern England. Common. epiphyte epilithic intertidal subtidal pool
reflexed grape weed Gastroclonium reflexum (champiaceae)
Key criteria: Small hollow mucilaginous but firm fronds formed on a small stipe and arching to reattach. Epilithic and epiphytic particularly on Corallina officinalis in pools. South-western distribution. Rare. epiphyte epilithic pool
Mrs Griffiths' coral weed Griffithsia corallinoides (ceramiaceae)
Key criteria: Large filamentous alga with branched axes composed of bead-like cells. Common in the shallow subtidal growing on other algae and in lower-shore pools. This species is very distinctive. The lack of records from the east coasts of Scotland and England probably indicates its relative rarity rather than absence. shallow subtidal subtidal pool
Sciana's weed Scinaia furcellata (galaxauraceae)
Key criteria: Small soft dichotomously branched cylindrical algae found in the lower shore and in the shallow subtidal. The recorded distribution probably represent a mixture of records of this species and S. interrupta (q.v.). It is likely that S. furcellata reaches its northern limit around the mid-west coasts of Ireland and Wales. shallow subtidal subtidal

A Check-list and Atlas of the Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. F. G. Hardy and M. D. Guiry. The British Phycological Society, 2003. ISBN 0 9527115 16 Seaweeds of Britain and Ireland. Bunker, Brodie, Maggs and Bunker. Seasearch 2012.